Sam 是香港人,一直居住在香港。Sam 的妻子是英籍華人,一直在英國定居。去年,Sam 以旅客身份入境英國,本來,是打算之後申請配偶簽證。後來,因為達不到申請配偶簽證的要求,於是,便改變主意申請BNO 簽證。
在1月31日,可以申請BNO 簽證前,Sam 的半年觀光簽證即將到期,故我們的移民顧問在申請BNO 簽證前,首先要替Sam 延長他的觀光簽證,而Sam 的TB Test 只有半年,亦會在2月初到期,故Sam 急切需要在TB Test 到期前成交申請表及上載所有證明文件,因為一旦TB Test 過期,便需要在英國重新做一次TB Test。
若BNO 申請人在簽證期有新生兒出世,便可以為新生兒申請BNO Visa 的Dependence Visa
特許BNO 申請人先申請,以便在另一位父母和子女申請簽證之前先安排事務,如安排住屋等
今天,終於到了2021年1月31日,是香港人可以在網上申請BNO 簽證的第一天。
隨著英國政府為BNO 簽證不停更新,本篇也會按新資料更新:
Applying together BN(O) status holders and relevant family members must usually apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route together, although they may choose to travel to the UK separately. In practice, this means that the main applicant who is a BN(O) status holder should apply first and receive their Unique Applicant Number (UAN) or Global Web Form (GWF) reference. Any dependants applying will need to quote this UAN or GWF in their applications. You should check whether dependants have applied within 48 hours of the main applicant unless the concession below applies.
It is permissible for the BN(O) status holder’s spouse or partner and dependent child under 18 to apply for the Hong Kong BN(O) route separately from the lead applicant.
For example, this includes any children born whilst their parents are on the BN(O) route; you should grant them permission on the route in line with that of their parents’. Additionally, if a BN(O) status holder meets a new partner after a grant of permission on the BN(O) route, their partner would be able to come to the UK, providing they otherwise meet the requirements for a dependant partner on the route. Some applicants may have staggered their applications so that one parent moves to the UK first to arrange affairs before the other parent and children join them; this would also be permissible under this concession.
However, if a BN(O) status holder is granted entry clearance or permission to stay and a BN(O) Household Member or BN(O) adult dependent relative makes a subsequent application, you should refuse the application. For a grant of settlement on the Hong Kong BN(O) route, a BN(O) household child must be being granted at the same time as their BN(O) status holder parent, and/or their other parent who is already settled or a British citizen. A BN(O) adult dependent relative must also be applying for settlement at the same time as the BN(O) status holder or the partner of a BN(O) status holder, or who is already settled or a British citizen.
If the BN(O) status holder and their dependent BN(O) household child or BN(O) adult dependant relative travelled to the UK separately, the continuous residence requirement for settlement may mean that these dependants may have to apply for further permission to stay beyond 5 years if the BN(O) status holder has not yet fulfilled the continuous residence requirement.
‘Leave Outside the Rules’ has been extended to 17 May 2021. Guidance has also been clarified to show that BNO visa applicants applying from outside the UK should wait until they have received a decision on their application to travel to the UK.
If you’re not eligible to enter the UK under an existing immigration route, Border Force officers may be able to consider granting ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ at the UK border for a period of up to 6 months to you and your accompanying dependants. You can then apply for the BNO visa from within the UK. You do not need to apply for the BNO visa straight away. You can apply at any point before your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ expires.
You can enter the UK on ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until 31 March 2021.
‘Leave Outside the Rules’ has been extended to 17 May 2021. Guidance has also been clarified to show that BNO visa applicants applying from outside the UK should wait until they have received a decision on their application to travel to the UK.
If you’re not eligible to enter the UK under an existing immigration route, Border Force officers may be able to consider granting ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ at the UK border for a period of up to 6 months to you and your accompanying dependants. You can then apply for the BNO visa from within the UK. You do not need to apply for the BNO visa straight away. You can apply at any point before your ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ expires.
You can enter the UK on ‘Leave Outside the Rules’ until 31 March 2021.
申請條件 (在英國境內申請):
申請人需擁有BNO 資格 (即使BNO 已過期, 或遺失都可以申請)
永久居住地必需是香港, 英國, 海峽群島 (the Channel Islands) 或馬恩島 (the Isle of Man)